Lotsa Character

I have always enjoyed drawing little characters and conjuring personalities for them. Here I have 2 variations of a T-Shirt design I want to have printed for my sister as a Christmas present.
The Lucha Libre is another T-Shirt idea I have been toying with...

T-Shirt design for my sister

Lucha Libre

Some Older Work

This is a collection of older work I had on my Facebook profile. It's a whole random bunch of work:

I did this for my mate Mark as a birthday present

This was the invitation for my 22nd birthday

An invitation for my mate, Dev's, birthday

A flyer for a coffee shop I used to work for

An entry for a TV competition. This made it to the semi finals!

My sister and I moved into a new house in a Muslim area so threw a theme house warming

Another flyer for the coffee shop I worked at

I did this logo for a friend of mine who is a popular DJ

General Devlin Paton- A fight against cancer

The original logo design for my Facebook group

A mock poster for an evening in the park with the birds


With Summer approaching Rhythm is my Bitch (RIMB) formed an offshoot and was offered a weekly slot at a beach front club during the day. It was an awesome opportunity to showcase some fresh ideas...



I have a number of friends who are all actors and pursue the lifestyle of thespians. A couple of them have formed a group of comics who tour the country often picking up stragglers along the way. I was drafted to do the design for one poster in particular. The group were to be touring 25 towns and cities across the country and they needed a versatile design that could be understood across a culturally diverse country.

This was my attempt:

Comedy Revolution

My sister's boyfriend was working for a production company and noticed my work. He approached me and asked if I could do some work for his company who were having a comedy evening as a staff event. David Newton, a well known comedian was performing so I jumped at the opportunity.

Comedy... amongst other things:

Birth of a Hero Art Exhibition

My close friend, Devlin, an avid artist and also receiver of some fairly awful news decided to sell off some of his work in aid of his sister who had just been diagnosed with cancer.
Devlin had approached me and asked if I would design the poster for him as I am not only a talented artist but also have an intimate knowledge of the venue, a small cocktail bar in a side alley of the busy streets of Cape Town. Many of my friends worked there and I was a regular there, sitting and listening to the blues and sipping on a Mojito.

This is my attempt at a poster for an art exhibition (map included):

The front

The rear